5. Gaining an Online Presence
Business to Customer
:Without a website
5.1 eMail Marketing
5.2 Merchant Services
5.3 Creating Mobile Applications
5.4 Newsletters
5.5 Selling on eBay
:Using Third Party Platforms
5.6 Marketing Platforms
5.7 Free Services
5.8 Social Media
:With a Website
5.9 Building a Website: Introduction
5.10 Building a Website: Technical
5.11 Mobile Web Pages
5.12 Professional Pages
5.13 Shopping Carts
5.14 Payment Systems
5.15 Site Hosting
5.16 Webzines
5.17 Auctions
5.18 Blogs
5.19 Content Management Systems
5.20 Web Portals
5.21 Wikis
:With a Website:
5.22 Selling Content
5.23 ePublishing
5.24 Distance Learning
5.25 Selling Advertising
5.26 Becoming an AdSense Publisher
5.27 Becoming an Affiliate
5.28 Selling Physical Goods
5.29 Corporate eCommerce
5.30 eCommerce Servers
5.31 Staying Safe
:Business to Business
5.32 Customer Relationship Management
5.33 Supply Chain Management
5.34 Digital Exchanges
5.35 eProcurement
5.36 Industrial Consortia
5.37 Private Industrial Networks
Selling Content
Sale of content reports, specialist advice, software is popular on the Internet, and for good reason. Fulfillment is a breeze. The customer provides credit card details and downloads the product. No warehousing costs or supplier difficulties. The drawback is that individuals expect information to be free, and are often reluctant to pay, even though the material saves them hours or weeks of individual search. It's unrealistic, but a tradition, and customers are creatures of habit.
These are the exceptions:
1. Software: unavoidable: few have the time or skills to write their
2. Music.
3. Adult sites.
4. Betting tips.
5. Stock-market advice.
6. Specialist reports where company concerned has an established reputation:
financial, market research and topical material.
7.'How to' ebooks, particularly when promising a fortune on the Internet.
8. B2B reports: companies will pay for material that provides significant
cost savings.
Content can be sold as distance learning courses, newsletters, ezines and ebooks.
Ebooks are electronic documents read at the computer screen or in handheld devices. In terms of increasing enterprise and outlay, there are two (overlapping) types of business:
1. Authorship only: i.e. writing salable copy, which is:
a. Converted into ebooks by electronic publishers, either at cost to the author (vanity publishing), or by some share of profits/royalties (electronic publishing.)b. Converted into and stored in electronic form to be later produced in book form as required (print on demand): author receives royalties.
2. Self-publishing: authors employ specialized software to produce the ebooks themselves, marketing and selling productions from their own websites.
Rather than produce large runs of books, incurring high costs for printing, warehousing and distribution, epublishers store the text electronically, either selling material as downloadable ebooks or as traditional books produced on a print-on-demand basis. Deals can be quite flexible. Authors typically pay to have their work prepared as print-on-demand, retaining copyright and a percentage of sales. In downloadable books the publishing company usually bears the cost, retains copyright and pays royalties. Multimedia material is generally marketed through CDs.
Boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred. Some print-on-demand publishers retain copyright, or the equally important ISBN number. Others work on a partnership basis. The more aggressive publishers accept virtually all manuscripts, providing editorial services and artwork as required. A few are very choosy indeed. CDs can complement these offerings. And so forth. The variations are legion is this expanding and largely untested field.
The author also enjoys these advantages:
1. Content can be kept topical.
2. Production is quicker, a few days rather than a year or two.
3. Costs are lower: a few hundred dollars rather than the usual tens
of thousands.
4. Publications can be kept in print for long periods.
5. Sound files, video clips and pictures are easily added.
Nonetheless, the drawbacks are still formidable:
1. It's hard to make decent money. Sales at best are usually only a
few thousand, which translates to a few tens of thousand dollars for
many months or years of writing.
2. Publishing by this route does not bring kudos, and often the reverse.
Attitudes are changing, but the booktrade still tends to regard self-publishing
as glorified vanity publishing. A string of ebook titles may not therefore
commend an author to an agent or traditional publisher.
3. Traditional publishing brings together many skilled professionals,
and these are not commonly available to the ebook author. He or she
has to do the shaping, proofing, art work, indexing, checking facts
and copyright, pricing and marketing. Too often, if not to the author,
the inexperience shows.
4. Writers need help with publishing contracts and other matters, but
the profit margins are too thin to attract professional agents.
5. Ebook publishing is a volatile field, and it may be difficult to
get copyright back if the company goes out of business.
6. Print on demand books are more expensive than their paper counterparts,
and are not stocked by booksellers because the sale and return terms
do not apply.
7. Most people prefer to read a book than look at a handheld viewer
or computer screen.
That said, ebook publishing may be the ideal solution for:
1. Topical, health, how to, and financial information.
2. New themes or genres, so as to test the market.
3. Matter of local or specialist appeal: family histories, academic
4. Literary work of little commercial value: poetry, experimental fiction.
5. Promotional material, company or industry-wide.
1. What advantages has the selling of content over selling physical
goods on the Internet?
2. What sort of Internet content will people pay for? How could you
find out?
3. You are marketing slimming and health advice. Would you choose distance
learning courses, newsletters, ezines or ebooks? Why?
4. What should you look out for if selling through an ebook publisher?
Sources and Further Reading
Internet searches will locate such services as typesetting, book covers, proofing, barcodes, reviews, warehousing and book distribution.
1. Publishing
Explained. Covers most aspects of traditional, self and electronic
2. Book
Industry Statistics. Useful facts and figures.
3. Preditors
and Editors. Information on publishers, agents and much else.
4. First
Writer. Searchable database of publishers.
5. Writer's Guild of America. Agents
and other resources.
6. Writers
Write. Epublishing information and news, plus links to epublishers
7. netLibrary.
Large eContent provider: listings for books and services.
8. Online
Books Page. Lists 25,000 free books online.
9. Internet
Authors Network. Services and user group to promote ebooks.
10. Journal
of Electronic Publishing More scholarly articles on epublishing
11. Open Ebook Forum
Organization of publishers, authors and software houses striving for
international common standards in epublishing
12. Print
on Demand Publishers. Publishes a useful guide.
13. Writer's
Digest. Online help for all types of writers.