10. Resources
:Software and Services
10.1 General Advice
Affiliate Management Software
Bulk eMailing Programs
Checks and Wallet Systems
Internet Payment Providers
10.6 Publishing
Professional Marketing Studies
General Information
10.9 eCommerce Marketing
10.10 eCommerce Statistics
Case Study Sources
10.12 General
Business Information
10.13 Business
News: Americas
10.14 : Europe
& Russia
10.15 : Middle East
& Africa
10.16 : South
& Southeast Asia
10.17 : Australasia
& World
10.18 Online Courses
Online Academic Journals
10.20 eCommerce
10.21 Technical Magazines
10.22 Help for Students
Help for Business Students
123 Textbook Rentals. Offers 5 million textbooks at 25% of original cost: 5 rental periods.
ABI/Inform Database. Abstracts (and some full texts) of articles from international professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines: inquire at your local business library.
Bookshare. Free software and text service to US students with genuine print disabilities.
Books Google. Searchable database of free and full-text online books.
Business Book Summaries. Top 1% of the more than 6,000 business books published each year in the United States selected: summaries also provided for more than 700 of the top business books from the last 20 years.
Business Source Premier. Full text of over 2200 business journals: inquire at your local business library.
CourseSmart. Online access to college textbooks at 40-50% discount.
Google Scholar. Provides a search of scholarly literature across theses, books, abstracts and articles.
Online Computer Skills Training Resources. Mindflash. Covers basic but essential skills.
Questia. Online access to 76,000 books and 3 million academic journal, magazine and newspaper articles: p.o.a.
Online Digital Library. Some 24,565 conference papers, 1,963 articles, 56 talks, and 8 ebooks.
Safari Books Online. Generally IT technical, but some ecommerce and general business: 10 books can be accessed for $23/month.
Deep Dyve. Several million articles on commerce and industry: access at $5-$20/month.
Internet Searches
Search Engine Popularity Statistics. March 2011. Smart Insight. Useful tables and advice
comScore Releases US Search Engine Rankings. Comscore. US tables.
The Webcertain Search and Social Report. Webcertain. Search and social media activity across the world.
The Search Engine List. About.Com. Search engines grouped by type or area of search.
SearchEngine Colossus. Extensive listing of search engines in 312 countries: for search and site submission.
SearchEngine Showdown. Guide to searching with various search engines and directories.
Finding Information on the Internet. Linked articles from UC Berkeley's Teaching Library Internet Workshops.
How to Search the Short but useful list of 'how to' sites.
Internet Searching Tools. Southern Oregon University's detailed listing.
Making the Net Easier. Phil Bradley's excellent set of articles on search engine strategies.
Searching the Web. Excellent Internet4Classrooms articles on search engines and strategies.
Specialist search engines. AussieEducator. Australian focus but a good listing.
Searching the Web. Studholme. 2004 list of search engines by geographical coverage.
Discover over 70,000+ searchable databases and specialty search engines.Compute Planet. Dated but useful.
Search Engines Directory. SearchEngineGuide. Search engines and guides listed under almost 100 categories.
Google Custom Search. Google. Creates a customized search experience for a website.
Resource Blog. ResourceShelf. Where librarians et al. share the results of their web searches for resources and information.