10. Resources
:Software and Services
10.1 General Advice
Affiliate Management Software
Bulk eMailing Programs
Checks and Wallet Systems
Internet Payment Providers
10.6 Publishing
Professional Marketing Studies
General Information
10.9 eCommerce
10.10 eCommerce Statistics
10.11 Case Study Sources
General Business Information
Business News: Americas
: Europe & Russia
: Middle East & Africa
: South & Southeast Asia
: Australasia & World
10.18 Online Courses
10.19 Online Academic Journals
10.20 eCommerce Technology
10.21 Technical Magazines
Help for Students
eCommerce Information Sites
Business 2.0. Insights, tools, and advantage of ebusiness.
Business Dictionary. Covers most terms.
CIO. Information, insights and analysis for IT executives on ERP, CRM, outsourcing, knowledge management, ecommerce, security, etc.
Clickz. Information, advice, market research and statistics on Internet marketing, email, brand and affiliate marketing.
CNN Money. Company news, assessments, business and financial advice.
CRM Daily. Customer relationship management news and analysis for the ecommerce industry.
Datran Media. Includes annual marketing & media survey results
Dr. Ecommerce. Introductory tutorials plus forum for ecommerce researchers.
eBiz. Articles, email help and telephone support for the more advanced ecommerce merchant.
eBusiness IT Toolbox. Directory of ecommerce IT articles, products and services.
Ecommerce Guide. Portal with helpful articles and listings.
ECommerce Information Center. Directory of some 40,000 ecommerce products and services.
E-Commerce Times. All aspects of Internet business for C-Level executives and small-to-mid-sized business managers.
eCommNewz. eCommerce development tutorials, articles and statistics for eBusiness professionals.
Electronic Commerce Guide. News, reviews and practical solutions for the ecommerce business.
Enquiro Research. White papers on how people use search engines, navigate websites and engage with advertising.
eTimes. Corporate information on interactive communications, distance learning, training etc., plus some case studies.
eWeek. Latest high-tech news, reviews and research on ecommerce, communications and Internet-based architecture.
Fast Company. News, trends and information on leading-edge entrepreneurs and fastest-growing companies.
Internet Retailer. News, articles and research for online merchants.
Internet Society. History of the Internet, connection updates, and much else.
Mashable. News and views on social media.
Monster Small Business. Extensive ecommerce glossary.
Online Publisher's Association. Research, news, events and intelligence reports on online publishing.
Practical eCommerce. Practical articles on ecommerce, with tips, tools, guides and resources.
Retail Ecommerce. Industry news, latest tips and strategies.
Roger Clarke's Electronic Commerce Listing. Independent research papers from Australian National University.
Search E-Business. Articles targeted at IT professionals and corporate ecommerce sector.
Sell It on the Web. No-nonsense introduction, with clear advice and newsletter.
Shop.Org. Detailed reports providing benchmarks for online retailing: conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, etc. Up to $2995. Some free stats on site.
SocialmediaExaminer. Guide to the social media jungle.
TrendsResearch. Forecasts the general trends affecting US citizens: abstracts free, otherwise by subscription.
W3.Org. Develops specifications and guidelines for Internet technology.
Web Practices. Personal collection of diverse and useful ecommerce resources.
Website Magazine. Linked articles under useful headings: US$45/year.