How companies succeed in the challenging world of ebusiness is the theme of this book: the business models they adopt, the programs and services they employ, and how the mix of theory, technology and business skills works out in practice. All types of ebusinesses, large and small, are covered, and the emphasis is on the practical: what specifically is done, how, and using what tools and services.
The book provides a complete course on Internet business, from broad principles to specific applications. On completing the modules, readers will be able to:
1. Satisfy the requirements for many business studies courses that cover the digital economy.
2. Grasp the underlying principles on which all digital transactions are built.
3. Read with the necessary insight the articles and studies appearing in the business and academic press.
4. Appreciate the extent and power of the evolving ebusiness revolution.
5. Assess, improve and extend any ebusiness they may be required to manage.
6. Build their own ebusiness with some likelihood of success.
Emarketers and businesses will find the book an immense help in:
1. Choosing the appropriate models for their own business.
2. Selecting the right tools and services to build or extend that business.
3. Improving the business to compete effectively.
Structure of this Book
The book has some 200 modules grouped as:
1. Social Dimensions: history, social and ethical issues of the Internet.
2. Ebusiness Prospects: B2C, B2C and M-commerce prospects worldwide.
3. Research and Planning: what has to be researched, analyzed and written up.
4. Gaining an Online Presence: small, corporate, B2C and B2B businesses.
5. Marketing: methods of promoting the online business.
6. Technical Aspects: how Internet tools and services work.
7. Models and Strategies: business models and strategies adopted by Internet companies.
8. Learning from Others: case studies and cautionary tales.
9. Resources: technical, academic and business sources worldwide.
10. Review and Questions: questions to test the reader's grasp of sections.
eBusiness and eCommerce
Authorities disagree in their use of these terms, but in this book, ebusiness refers to all digital transactions and ecommerce to digital transactions of a financial nature. In this simple definition, no distinction is made between transactions occurring within or across the boundaries of an organization. Similarly, where possible, the term ebusiness etc. has be used in place of e business, e-business, and the like.