10. Resources
:Software and Services
10.1 General Advice
Affiliate Management Software
Bulk eMailing Programs
Checks and Wallet Systems
Internet Payment Providers
10.6 Publishing
Professional Marketing Studies
General Information
10.9 eCommerce
10.10 eCommerce Statistics
10.11 Case Study Sources
General Business Information
Business News: Americas
: Europe & Russia
: Middle East & Africa
: South & Southeast Asia
: Australasia & World
10.18 Online Courses
10.19 Online Academic Journals
10.20 eCommerce Technology
10.21 Technical Magazines
Help for Students
Business News in the Americas
A list of business newspapers and magazines in English for the Americas: Canada, the United States and Latin America.
Canadian Business. Business news and financial market coverage, continuously updated.
Business Review. Business news on Canadian banking, trade, finance, stock market, real estate, industries and economy.
Macleans. Leading weekly news magazine.
Toronto Star. Canada's largest daily newspaper: left of center
Western Standard. Conservative news magazine.
United States
Business Journals. Resources for local US businesses.
BusinessWeek. International business news & stock market news. Company profiles, financial advice, small business and global economy issues, etc.
Black Enterprise. Information on Black American and minority business issues.
Business Review. Business news on US banking, trade, finance, stock market, real estate, industries and economy.
CEOWorld Magazine. Business, finance and technology news, reviews and analysis.
Dismal Scientist. Detailed economic analysis and data, by Asia/Pacific, Europe, Latin America, US/Canada groupings: US$125-275/semester.
Dollars & Sense. Economic news and analysis, primers on economic topics and critiques of the mainstream media's coverage of the economy.
ECompany. Online version of Business 2.0.
Entrepreneur. Information, services and expert advice for the entrepreneur and small business.
Fast Company. News, trends and information on leading-edge entrepreneurs and fastest-growing companies.
Forbes. Online source for US business and financial news and analysis: personal finance, lifestyle, technology and stock markets.
Fortune. Articles on the marketplace, tech movers and shakers, career trends, US politics, and European business.
Harvard Business Review. Articles, case studies, courses and books for educators, students and managers: subscription schemes on site.
Inc Magazine. Small business resources, information and advice.
Manufacturing Digital. Management issues for professionals and executives.
Minority Business Entrepreneurs. Bimonthly publication for women and minority business owners: short list of useful associations.
My Business Magazine. Basic information, tools and resources for small business success.
New York Times. US and international news and current affairs from an American perspective. Helpful article search facility.
nPost. Interviews with CEOs, Founders and Chairmen about the issues and opportunities facing business today.
Retail Digital. In-depth look at specific industry issues worldwide, e.g. multi-channel marketing, supply chain, property and retail technology.
strategy+business. Magazine for senior business executives.
The Top 500 List. Check the performance of other companies: $10 per company.
USAToday. Extended articles on many aspects of American life.
Wall Street Journal. Leading financial magazine with good coverage of US and overseas issues, including ecommerce and technologies.
Your Economy. US business performance from local to national perspectives.
Latin America
Ambito. English version of Argentine business and financial newspaper.
BBC News: Argentina. BBC's information page on Argentina.
Economist: Brazil. The Economist's information page on Brazil.
Fundacion Invertir. Investment and economic information on Argentina.
BBC News: Brazil. BBC's information page on Brazil.
Brazilink. Information portal on Brazil: rather limited.
Brazzil. General interest magazine published in USA.
Latin American Newspapers in English. listing of Latin American newspapers in English: grouped by country.