9. Learning from Others
Introduction: Grouping by Business Models
:Cautionary Tales
A Start
9.3 Coins International
9.4 Fine Art Ceramics
9.5 Halberd Engineering
Ipswich Seeds
9.7 Seascape e-Art
9.8 Whisky Galore
9.9 Amazon
Andhra Pradesh
9.11 Apple iPod
9.12 Aurora Health Care
9.14 Commerce Bancorp
9.15 Craigslist
9.17 Early Dotcom
9.18 Easy Diagnosis
9.19 eBay
9.21 Fiat
9.23 Google ads
9.24 Google services
9.26 Liquidation
9.28 Lulu
9.30 Nespresso
9.32 Nitendo wii
9.33 Open Table
9.35 Procter & Gamble
9.36 SIS Datenverarbeitung
9.37 Skype
9.39 Twitter
9.41 Zappos
Twitter Inc.
Twitter Inc., founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams
in March 2006 (launched publicly in July 2006), is a social networking and micro-blogging
service that allows users to post their latest updates. An update is limited to 140
characters and can be posted through three methods: web form, text message, or instant
message. The service has become immensely popular worldwide, has been used to give
live reportage of civil unrest in Egypt, Iran and elsewhere, and has been intermittently
blocked by the Chinese government and others. Tweets are also becoming a force on
the US political scene. {19} According to Alexa, Twitter is one of the ten most-visited websites worldwide. Estimates of users vary as the company does not publish statistics, but inside sources suggest there were 119 million Twitter accounts in 2011, this statistic breaking down to: 85 million accounts with one or more followers, 56 million Twitter accounts following zero other accounts, and 90 million Twitter accounts with zero followers. {12}
According to Quancast, some 27 million people in the US had used Twitter by September 3, 2009. Analysis of 2,000 tweets by Pear Analytics over a two-week period in August 2009 identified 6 categories: pointless babble ( 40% ) conversation ( 38%), 'pass-along value' (9%), self-promotion ( 6%), spam ( 4%) and news ( 4%). {11} Half the activity centered on some 20,000 'celebrities'. {13}
Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco, California, but has additional servers and offices in other US cities.
Business Model
To date, Twitter has been very successful in promoting its potential, and in obtaining significant funding. Twitter first raised over US$57 million from venture capitalist funding in three tranches: $1-5million in 2006, $22 million in 2008, and $35 million in 2009. Another $200 million was raised in December 2010, valuing the company at some $3.7 billion. The March 2011 sale of 35,000 Twitter shares at $34.50 each on Sharespost valued the company at $7.8 billion. An investment of $400 million was made by Digital Sky Technology in August 2010, {14} and a possible IPO in 2013 has been announced. {10}Twitter's global advertising revenues were expected to almost double to $582.8 million in 2013, from $288.3 million the previous year {20}.
Twitter announced plans in April 2010 to offer paid advertising in the form of ' promoted tweets' on selected search results on the Twitter website, and some presales may have been achieved as 2010 annual revenues are reported at $45 million (though the company operated at a loss overall). Annual forecasts for 2011 were also put at $100-110 million, but again cannot be verified. Much has been rumored but Twitter at present keeps the market guessing.
Several ways of monetizing Twitter have been suggested: {10}
1. Subscription fee: possibly difficult now users are
used to a free service.
2. Display ads: being tested in Japan, but conversion
rates are generally low on social media sites.
3. Include local ads relevant to
tweeters' messages and locations: may be seen as intrusive.
4. Sale of accumulated
users' response data to web services and company websites. Already the case with Facebook,
but not popular with Evan Williams. {2}
5. Sale of licenses to application
developers. {2} {3}
6. Advertising on Twitter geographical accounts. {6}
Threats come from:
1. Alternatives, e.g. Sina
Weibo (China's more popular answer), Tweetree,
Tweetvisor, iTweet,
Hootsuite, etc.
2. Twitter
being made responsible for content in libel actions, etc.
3. Takeovers from Google,
Microsoft and Apple, who recognize the competition. {2}
4. Anti-trust enfringement.
Points to Note
1. Great potential, but no proved business model in sight.
1. Explain the current interest in Twitter.
2. How does Twitter compare
with other social media sites?
3. Where does Twitter funding come from, and is
the model sustainable?
4. Discuss ways of monetizing Twitter.
and Further Reading
1. Twitter Starts Serving Ads For Third
Party Apps (But They Aren't Charging For Them) by Jason Kincaird. TechCrunch.
March 2009.
2. Twitter Guys: We'll Still Be Running This Company in Five Years
by Peter Kafka AllThingsd
May 2009.
3. Twitter to release new tools, business model by Duncan Riley.
Inquisitr. May 2009.
4. Twitter Plans to Offer Shopping Advice and Easy
Purchasing by Claire Cain Miller. NYT
Bits. September 2009.
5. A Little Perspective (Digg, Twitter, Facebook)
by Michael Arrington. TechCrunch.
November 2009.
6. A new Twitter business model a comprehensive hashtag
strategy Tags: strategyTwitter by Patrick Kitano. Socialmediatoday.
January 2011.
7. What Is Twitter's Problem? No, It's Not the Product by
Om Malik GigaOm.
May 2011.
8. Twitter Business Model. Business
Week. July 2011.
9. Bibliography of Research on Twitter & Microblogging.
Danah Boyd.
Extensive (over 100) list of academic papers: 2008-2011.
10. Ecommerce 2010
by Kenneth C. Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver. Pearson. 2010. 2.1-3.
Just How Big Is Twitter In 2012? by Shea Bennett. Mediabistro.
February 2012.
12. How Many Users Does Twitter Really Have? Social
Media Today. March 2011.
13. Who Says What to Whom on Twitter by Shaomei
Wu, Jake M. Hofman, Winter A Mason and Duncan J. Watts. Proceedings
of WWW\'11. Hyderabad Conference, India.
14. News Technology Twitter Twitter
valued at $8bn after large investment by Dominic Rushe. Guardian.
August 2011.
15. Twitter set to secure valuation of $1bn by Tim Bradshaw
and David Gelles. FT.
September 2009.
16. Tumblr fundraising indicates $800m valuation by April
Dembosky and Richard Waters. FT.
September 2011. The competition.
17. Twitter as Tech Bubble Barometer by Spencer
E. Ante, Amir Efrati, and Anupreeta Das. WSJ.
February 2011.
18. Twitter.
Official homesite.
19. Twitter Deputizes Masses of Political
Pundits at Conventions by Julie Bykowicz. Businessweek.
September 2012.
20. Twitter signs its biggest-ever advertising
deal by Andrew Trotman. Daily
Telegraph. April 2013.