11. Review and Questions
11.1 Social Dimensions
11.2 Research and Planning
11.3 Gaining an Online Presence
11.4 Marketing the Business
11.5 Technical Aspects
11.6 Models and Strategy
11.7 Learning from Others
Questions: Models and Strategy
US Perspective
1. Provide a more detailed account of the US economy.2. America created the digital economy and will continue to lead it for the foreseeable future. Discuss.
3. Correlate US IT growth with US economic trends.
4. Outline a research strategy for another area of the US digital economy.
Strategic Management
1. What is strategic management?
2. How is strategy formulated, and what does it take into account?
3. Describe five landmark studies in strategic management.
4. Management studies continually evolve. Discuss.
Grouping by Strategy
1. Name twelve business groupings by strategy.
2. Provide a brief case study for five such business groupings.
Business Models: General
1. What are business models? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
2. Compare and contrast three business models.
3. Describe Osterwalder and Pigneur's business model.
4. Briefly illustrate five applications of Osterwalder and Pigneur's
business model.
5. What is SWOT analysis?. Give an example of its use.
6. Describe a practical application of Pestel analysis.
7. Explain why vector values change as a market matures.
8. Describe the value business model, and its application in value chain
9. Examine the Apple iPod product with Porter's Five Force Analysis.
Customer Segments
1. What are customer segments?
2. Briefly describe five types of customer segment.
3. How can you recognize distinct customer segments?
4. Briefly illustrate the importance of customer segments with three
case studies.
5. What ebusiness topics can help distinguish customer segments?
Customer Channels
1. What are customer channels? What functions do they serve?
2. List the three types of customer channels and five temporal phases
of them.
3. Briefly illustrate the importance of customer channels with three
case studies.
4. What ebusiness topics can help improve customer channels?
Customer Relationships
1. What are customer relationships? Why are they important?
2. What are the three motivations driving customer relationships?
3. With a case study each, illustrate how one a company gained and another
failed with its customer relationships.
4. What ebusiness topics can help improve customer relationships?
Key Resources
1. What are key resources?
2. Name the four types of key resources.
3. Briefly describe three case studies illustrating the importance of
key resources.
4. What happens when key resources are not properly matched?
5. What key resources are used in selling content?
Key Partnerships
1. What are key partnerships? How do they differ from customer segments?
2. Name the four types of key partnership.
3. Describe the three motivations applying to key partnerships.
4. Describe key partnerships in action with two case studies.
Key Activities
1. What are key activities? How do they differ from key resources?
2. Name the three areas where key activities become important.
3. Describe first mover advantage in terms of key activity.
4. What key activities are employed in selling on the Internet?
Value Propositions
1. What is a value proposition?
2. Briefly describe eleven types of value proposition.
3. Briefly illustrate the importance of value propositions with three
case studies.
4. What topics of ebusiness relate to value propositions?
Cost Structures
1. What are cost structures?
2. Describe six types of cost structure.
3. Describe the advanced web technologies that maintain competitiveness.
4. Describe in some detail a relevant case study.
Revenue Streams
1. What are revenue streams exactly? Why are they important?
2. What are the seven types of revenue streams?
3. Describe the different pricing mechanisms.
4. What ebusiness approaches and technology bear on revenue streams?
Internet Revenue Models
1. Describe, with examples, a common three-fold grouping of Internet
2. Describe the essentials of five types of business to business Internet
3. Briefly describe B2C Internet businesses.
4. Name as many eBusiness enabler types as possible.
Company Valuation
1. Compare the three approaches to company valuation.
2. How would you choose a stock broker?
3. What evidence is there for stock market manipulation?
Investing Measures and Ratios
1. Compare bonds to shares. Which would you invest in?
2. Describe the importance of six investment measures.
3. What rules would guide your creation of an investment portfolio?
Fundamental Analysis
1. Explain the Net Present Value of a company and the steps needed
to arrive at a reliable figure.
2. What difficulties to fundamental analysis are presented by Internet
3. Outline a study comparing NPVs with market capitalizations.
Efficient Market Hypothesis
1. What is the Efficient Market Hypothesis?
2. Briefly review the evidence for and against the EMH.
3. Why is the EMH important?
Neoclassical Economics
1. What are the problems with neoclassical economics?
2. Make a case for neoclassical economics.
3. What do critics blame neoclassical economics for?
4. Construct an institutional model for China.